Healthy tips
Don't have time to exercise?
Now 10 minutes per day are enough if you commit to exercise daily for 25 days. And only for 1 euro per day
goin us in fb course pilatesyogacallanetics and get the first video for free.
After you purchase the program you will get 5 video to cover all your body needs.
Hands, waist, abdominals, legs and buttocks.
Unlimited question via mail or Facebook.
Exercise YOUR ABS in your daily life... sitting in a chair for 8 hours?? do short 5 minutes brake and strength your abs.
Sit up right pull the navel towards your spine and inhale opening your chest in all directions. Hold for 3sec. and repeat 10 times.
Neck problem could be avoided with the correct posture.
If the head tilts forward, it can lead to neck stiffness, headaches, and an exacerbation of spinal curvature, commonly referred to as kyphosis. CALLANETICS by Marina offers the appropriate stretches to prevent these issues.
CALLON Gym Method
Callanetics method created in 1985 by Callan Pickney in US. Callan has several myosceletical problem such us scoliosis, back problems, knees, and doctors advised her to operate it.
After a short experience as a gym instructor she started to developed her own exercise program loading exercises from classical ballet and modified them.
In a while she discovered that her body was slimmer and her muscles stronger.
She named her method Callanetics.
Callanetics literally is a small, about 1,5 cm, tiny movement who use the body weight for strengh the muscles and lose points from abdominal, waist, and bottom.
Callanetics begame famus in 80 for the nice leg and tiny bottoms that created.
In contrary with other methods Callanetics believe that no pain but gain.
My favorite yoga
Yoga the method that help in spinal cord alignment, in the correct breathing, increase the flexibility and reinforce the muscles.
Shiatsu or accupressure the pleasant version of chinese medicine for chronic problem. Body work use pressure trigger points for relief from neck, back pain, constipation, stress.
Acu yoga can help in many problems and the practice demends only 10 minutes.
Before you do acu yoga or any other exercise method you should consult your physician and you practice in your own resposability.
Two of more succesful therapies come together in order to give practical and easy to apply exercises for chronic health problems such as back pain, neck and knee pain, stress, constipation, headacke and much more.
In our busy days many people are looking for solution to relief stress, lack of exersise, lack of energy and to calm down their overwork minds.
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
Nadi Shodhana also knowna as alternative nostril breathing. There are many variations here we will describe the more easy one for beginners.
Nadi in sanskrit means @channel@ or @flow@ and shodhana means @purification.@ Therefore, nadi shodhana is primarily aimed at clearing and purifying the subtle channels of the mind-body organism, while balancing its masculine and feminine aspects.
Infuses the body with oxygen
Clears and releases toxins
Reduces stress and anxiety
Balance the left and right part of the body (the male and the female part)
Calm and rejuvenates the nervous system
Enhances the ability to concentrate
Restore the body and mind from any mistake during asanas practice.
Balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
As in most of yoga practice the best is with empty stomach or 2 and half hours after our last meal. We can do this practice after a yoga session or any time preferably in the morning.
We can't do this practice if you have a cold, allergies or we are not able to breath from the nostrils.
before you try this or any other practice consult your GP.
Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight (chair or floor). We use the thumb and the index fingers .
Begin by taking 10 whole yoga breath to calm your mind and body.
Place your right thumb to your right nostril and take a breath count for four with your left nostril, Exhale through your right nostril closing your left nostril with the index finger. Count again for four. Equal inhalation and exhalation.
As you inhale allow the breath to travel along the left side of the spine from the bottom to head,
As you exhale scan with your exhalation the right part of the body from the head to the bottom till the pelvic floor.